The 12th [BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference - Basel - Switzerland
The 12th [BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference is the key computational biology event in Switzerland in 2015 - uniting scientists working in a broad range of disciplines, including bioinformatics, computational biology, biology, medicine, and systems biology.
[BC]2 will take place 7-10 June 2015 at the Congress Center Basel.
[BC]2 will feature highlight presentations of latest scientific results, workshops, tutorials, poster sessions, and keynotes lectures by international experts.
Confirmed keynote speakers include:
* Søren Brunak, Department of Systems Biology, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
* Andrea Califano, Columbia University, NY, USA
* David Eisenberg, Institute for Genomics and Proteomics, UCLA, CA, USA
* Roderic Guigó, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain
* Suzanna Lewis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA
* Katie Pollard, Gladstone Institutes, UCSF, CA, USA
* Ron Shamir, Tel Aviv University, Israel
For more information, please visit
Please save the date in your agenda.
Looking forward to welcoming you at [BC]2!
Niko Beerenwinkel (program chair),
DBSSE, ETHZ & SIB Manolis Dermitzakis (program chair),
University of Geneva & SIB Torsten Schwede (conference series chair),
Biozentrum University of Basel & SIB [BC]2
Basel Computational Biology conference is the annual scientific symposium of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, organized in collaboration with the Biozentrum University of Basel and
[BC]2 will take place 7-10 June 2015 at the Congress Center Basel.
[BC]2 will feature highlight presentations of latest scientific results, workshops, tutorials, poster sessions, and keynotes lectures by international experts.
Confirmed keynote speakers include:
* Søren Brunak, Department of Systems Biology, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
* Andrea Califano, Columbia University, NY, USA
* David Eisenberg, Institute for Genomics and Proteomics, UCLA, CA, USA
* Roderic Guigó, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain
* Suzanna Lewis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA
* Katie Pollard, Gladstone Institutes, UCSF, CA, USA
* Ron Shamir, Tel Aviv University, Israel
For more information, please visit
Please save the date in your agenda.
Looking forward to welcoming you at [BC]2!
Niko Beerenwinkel (program chair),
DBSSE, ETHZ & SIB Manolis Dermitzakis (program chair),
University of Geneva & SIB Torsten Schwede (conference series chair),
Biozentrum University of Basel & SIB [BC]2
Basel Computational Biology conference is the annual scientific symposium of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, organized in collaboration with the Biozentrum University of Basel and